It's no secret that many young boys are victims of sexual assault growing up. I'm not sure of the exact numbers; however, I would assume that more often than not, many of these young men go on never to speak a single word of the assault. Well, that is not what Sean Segerstrom did. From the age of only four years, old Sean experienced sexual assault from a family member and then a close family friend. This would continue until his late teenage years. Sean explains that he thought that that is how people show each other that they love them. It's these experience that causes Sean some of the struggles that he still battles today. Although these are real struggles, finding any positivity in a story such as this can be very uncomfortable, there has been a silver lining. Sean explains how he found his chosen family. He speaks about the people that, while not blood related to him, are his family. Those who sat with him in some of his darkest moments in life without an ounce of...